Claire Leathem
Music bloom
Music for skills
Music for well being
Music for learning
Music for fun
Music for all
Practical music
Book a one off workshop or a series of 3-4 sessions, tailored to suit your primary school age group. The sessions can be topic based or general curriculum music. See below for some suggestions:
Literacy through Music
​Topic connections
Singing and Rhythm Games
Music for well-being
Nurture groups
Classroom percussion workshops
Shared Education programmes
Creative Music
Sessions are calculated at a rate of £65 per hour; recommended session lengths as follows:
FS : 30 - 40 mins
KS.1 : 45 - 60 mins
KS.2 : 60 - 75 mins
*Whole day bookings can be made at a set rate of £250 per day
*Discount may be negotiable for block bookings
*Small travel surcharge of £15 per visit may be applicable for schools outside Co. Down and the greater Belfast/Newtownabbey area.

Symbols and Cymbals! Music literacy

Symbols and Cymbals! Music literacy

Symbols and Cymbals! Music literacy